
Stirred But Never Changed

We are all about the selfie stick. Instagram paints the picture we want people to see. And Facebook tells them how to feel about us. It is all on the surface. But, what’s actually happening underneath it all? I started 2017 reflecting on many different areas of my life like relationships, hobbies, and priorities. It… Continue reading Stirred But Never Changed


Habit 2: Effectiveness from Your Core

Books are a lot like people. Sometimes they come into your life uninvited, or you find them willingly. Like people, books can teach you some of the hardest lessons. They speak truth so deep like you never saw coming. Sometimes we keep those books in the back shelf. And then other times we open them… Continue reading Habit 2: Effectiveness from Your Core


Motivation, where are you?

Every night of the week I pack my workout clothes into a small black tote. It is labeled “Fresh” and it hangs off one corner of my bed, ready to be loaded into the car the next morning. That is about the only motivation I need to get myself to the gym. The same is… Continue reading Motivation, where are you?